For a dancer, performance weekend is often a highlight of the entire year, and very transformative. We can’t wait to share this experience with our Move Out Loud family for our 17th year!
Some of my most profound childhood memories are of my dance recitals. I vividly remember the pride, power and joy I felt. Working *really* hard on something and then being able to show it off proudly and be met with thunderous applause – there’s nothing like it in the world! I always felt like the biggest, best version of myself on stage, and these wonderful experiences built my confidence and prepared me to live a life of courage and passion.
So for us, this weekend is a big deal 🙂 And our performance is unlike any other dance studios’. Please read carefully through this info to ensure a smooth, stress-free and joyful performance season!
With Love,
(That’s me pictured, with my dance teacher and mentor Miss Betty Hayes Baxter – the Guiness World Record holder for longest career as a dance instructor! She also happens to be one of the most special people in the universe <3)